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St Finlough's Primary School Sistrakeel

A busy morning @ St. Finlough’s Primary School

14th Mar 2019

Featured today is a snapshot of the busy learning environment at St. Finlough’s Primary School. Literacy and numeracy is at the heart of the curriculum, we believe they are the gateway to all other curricular areas.  This morning there was an exciting variety of learning going on in our classrooms....


Primary 1&2 were learning through play, their topic of helping hands has provided great opportunities in which they have explored a variety of themes and information.  They even interviewed Mrs McCafferty on her role as a principal.  They planned excellent questions and spoke really clearly during their interview. Brilliant talking and listening skills boys and girls!


Primary 3 were completing activities this morning on identifying and using verbs and nouns.  They were exploring punctuation and sentence structure.  We finished up the the lesson by reciting a fun poem entitled ‘Mud’ by John Smith, which was inspired by a slip on the grass at break time! 🙈 Finally Primary 3 recorded their poems and added sound effects using iMovie. Fabulous!


Primary 4&5 were busy exploring how to plan a piece of writing today.  Their topic of ‘Them Bones’ has provided wonderful opportunities which even included applying a plaster of Paris to a dolls arm and leg! Today’s lesson focused on instruction writing. Well done boys and girls!


Primary 6 & 7 have been exploring the curriculum through the topic of ‘The Titanic.’  Creative writing is integrated throughout the curriculum and connected learning is ensured through careful planning.  Today the class were planning, brainstorming and producing pieces of persuasive writing linked to their topic.  Wonderful!