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St Finlough's Primary School Sistrakeel


23rd May 2024
Well done to our Gaelic Footballers who performed superbly at the North Derry Gaelic...
17th May 2024
Well done to Miss Mulholland’s brilliant camogs who performed superbly at...
17th May 2024
Many Congratulations to all our P4 boys and girls who made their First Holy Communion...
26th Apr 2024
A Fantastic Night for St. Finlough’s Primary School at ‘Families First...

2023/2024 School Year

15th Mar 2024
‘Green Day’ for everyone at St.Finlough’s ☘️
13th Mar 2024
Well done to our fabulous P6/7 pupils who earned an Adobe Badge for participating...
13th Mar 2024
Congratulations to P6/7 pupils who completed a 6 week well-being and emotions programme...
13th Mar 2024
Thank you to Maisy our talented P7 pupil who led the class in making their very own...
13th Mar 2024
Primary 6 and 7 invited the P1-3 pupils to join them for a few relaxing activities....